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Health results – search

The table below lists all the Finnish Lapphunds where health results not covered by the KC records have been made available in the public dominan, either direct to the breed clubs or reported via social media. If your Finnish lapphund has been diagnosed with a health condition, and is not listed, please report the details using the Contact Us option on the main menu at the top of the page.

You can use the search option on the right hand side to select a name/or part of, or a condition. Alternatively you can sort by name/sire/dam/condition as required.

Pedigree information can be found by cross referencing to the KC Health result or using the breed archive facility (if the dog is listed) – we hope to be able to add pedigree information as time permits.

For finnish bred dogs we advise researching pedigrees and additional reported health information on the database provided by the Breeding Committee of the Lapphund Club of Finland

Additionally as the breed in generally a long living breed with a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years of age, we have listed those dogs, as reported to have died under 10 year of age, and given the contributing condition where reported. (Note at the end of 2022 some 1349 puppies have been born)

Health Information

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